
"It was all about the ammunition magazine."

Infuriating Reading more Huffpo gungrabber claptrap like this.

"It was all about the ammunition magazine." Orlly? Nevermind mental health FAIL, never mind police response FAIL, nevermind Congressional security FAIL, nevermind murder-is-against-the-law-but-criminals-don't-obey-the-law-anyhow so...FAIL. Huffpo gungrabbers like their Christian Science monitor ilk are all full of epic FAIL.

But I sure do <3 those common sense and uncommonly decent comments! I love AMERICA!

The more correct title would be: "It Could Have Been More Deadly"

OdinsEye 5 hours ago (1:54 PM) wrote:

You see, one of the unintended consequenc­es of the previous mag restrictio­n law was to cause people to purchase handguns of larger caliber firing more powerful cartridges and using more effective bullets.

In this case, Loughner used a 9 mm with FMJ (aka ball) ammo. Not exactly the most effective combos out there. In fact, no arms instructor in the US would recommend this combo except for plinking or poking holes in paper. Had the previous law been in place, he might well have instead bought a .40 and loaded it with JHPs.

The result of this would be that more of the people he shot would have died instead of just being wounded, including Giffords.

Couple this with my previous points or that he might have carried two such pistols and the picture becomes even more grim -- with as many or more people being shot and a larger percentage of them dying.

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