
DARPA "anticipating strategic surprise"

"Trend towards Democratization"; "democratization" is a "game changer" scenario, disruptive technology often w/ exponential trend.

Talks about lowering cost of gene assembly processes. So gene assembly is growing exponentially.

Talks about Open Innovation.

DARPA Network challenge. MIT team used Recursive Incentive Structure to compete in challenge.

Viral Diffusion in social networks, hostile social networks. Viral diffusion of information in hostile social networks.

Problem space structured vs. emerging.

Crowdsourcing innovation.

Future Adversaries.

Pre-Internet, Pre-Social Media acquisition process(es). Vs Computing models allow for dynamic equipping. "What if we supplied soldiers with modern handsets (Iphones/Ipads)?" Create an ONline social space where actors can contribute collectively. Computing enabled...directly connect developers...

Develop technologies that go against the trend of removing anonymity on the internet?

Networking problems: adversaries trying to deny access to network resources.

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