

Rebutting this Op-Ed piece.

@ErinAZ: "Seriously? I don't even know how to BEGIN to address this one." Yeah, it's usually hard to have a logical debate when your entire argument is based in emotion. Nonetheless, let me BEGIN for you...

It would be inhuman of me not to feel sorry for your losses, but it is sub-human of you to write such a letter in an attempt to exploit others' emotions in order to get them to sign away a basic human right.

The FACT of the matter is that governments throughout the world in just the last century have oppressed and killed many MILLIONS of people. You cry over the million people who have died because of random gun violence in the US since you were nine.

I'm sure you were alive in the late 1970s when 2 to 3 million innocent people were killed in Cambodia by a tyrannical government, the Khmer Rouge. Do you cry over them?

Maybe you were alive in the early 1970s when the Bengalis were oppressed by the Pakistani Armed Forces and as many as 3 million people were killed. Do you cry over them?

Maybe you're familiar with Rwanda. Do you cry over the half a million to a million unarmed Tutsis who were killed there in the mid-1990s?

Maybe your parents or grandparents were alive during the Holocaust. Do you cry over the 6 million Jews and many, many others who were killed by Nazis SHORTLY AFTER gun-control measures were enacted?

China: as many as 45 million were killed during the Great Leap Forward. Any tears for them?

These and countless many more lives are taken by oppressive governments throughout the world even as we speak. Do you cry for any of them? Would you tell them that they are better off not being able to check a tyrannical government with their own firearms, because it might save relatively few lives who fall victim to random gun violence each year?

To you proponents of the 2nd Amendment are just gun-nuts and hill-billy hunter types, when they should be viewed as protectors of the rest of the rights you hold dearly.

Do you think we don't care about those who die due to random gun violence? Lest you be mistaken, we do care. However, to be completely honest, I don't care if a man chooses to take his life with a gun -- that's his decision, and though a tragic one, it should have no place in a debate on gun-control.

You people miss the point. You whine about how someone like Jared Loughner had access to a "big fat, juicy clip full of death" when you should whine about why people in our society would commit such travesties; what motivates them; what pushes them toward such acts; and how we can prevent people from becoming such monsters.

But, of course, with you people, the primary blame will always be placed on an inanimate object made of metal and plastic.

FEBRUARY 17, 2011 11:35 AM

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