
Can Abduwali Abdiqadir Muse even read?

What were Abduwali and his fellow pirates supposed to do? He was born in Somalia after all, a country notorious for failing to conform to Clintonian UN democracy wagons. 34 years in Fed Prison? Wow! And tried in New York of all places!

"Preska teared up and removed her glasses and then gave Muse the maximum permitted sentence, 33 years and nine months, citing the need for deterrence. "

~Deterrence? How is it going to deter other humans from doing what we'd all do in one of the world's poorest countries? Are the would-be Somali pirates going to login to the NY times and see their fellow pirate sentenced and think "it's better to starve than try and strike it rich and get caught and go to jail in Amerikkka!"?

Judge Preska is of course a swine for her arrogance and should be tried by a people's court.

I like what this dude had to say:

"These Somalis are not pirates. They are fisherman fathers and husbands who's livelihoods were destroyed by corporate overfishing and massive pollution from big oil. These "terrorists" have 2 choices: face starvation for themselves and their families because some foreigners came in and ravaged their food source, or steal miniscule amounts supplies from a passing freighter. The same thing happens in almost every oil-producing country. The US backs a dictator who will allow oil companies to pollute all they want because it's much cheaper that way. Then thousand of indigenous farmers are displaced due to soil pollution from all the oil drilling and refining. Even better, the citizens of the country don't see a dime of oil money. Only the corrupt, US backed dictator and the oil company get any money. They then have no crops, income, or social services which they have to forgo in order to pay for the highways and seaports we built to get their oil out so we could use it. They become desperate as a result of resource raping from US corporations. This is what creates a "terrorist"."

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