
Now that's a lot of a Hi-Caps!

Once again to demonstrate not only the absurdity but utter futility of legislative attempts to ban hi-cap mags is this example in private hands.


"It was all about the ammunition magazine."

Infuriating Reading more Huffpo gungrabber claptrap like this.

"It was all about the ammunition magazine." Orlly? Nevermind mental health FAIL, never mind police response FAIL, nevermind Congressional security FAIL, nevermind murder-is-against-the-law-but-criminals-don't-obey-the-law-anyhow so...FAIL. Huffpo gungrabbers like their Christian Science monitor ilk are all full of epic FAIL.

But I sure do <3 those common sense and uncommonly decent comments! I love AMERICA!

The more correct title would be: "It Could Have Been More Deadly"

OdinsEye 5 hours ago (1:54 PM) wrote:

You see, one of the unintended consequenc­es of the previous mag restrictio­n law was to cause people to purchase handguns of larger caliber firing more powerful cartridges and using more effective bullets.

In this case, Loughner used a 9 mm with FMJ (aka ball) ammo. Not exactly the most effective combos out there. In fact, no arms instructor in the US would recommend this combo except for plinking or poking holes in paper. Had the previous law been in place, he might well have instead bought a .40 and loaded it with JHPs.

The result of this would be that more of the people he shot would have died instead of just being wounded, including Giffords.

Couple this with my previous points or that he might have carried two such pistols and the picture becomes even more grim -- with as many or more people being shot and a larger percentage of them dying.


Minnesota Teen Challenge Drugs & The Occult

Minnesota Teen Challenge Drugs & The Occult



Rebutting this Op-Ed piece.

@ErinAZ: "Seriously? I don't even know how to BEGIN to address this one." Yeah, it's usually hard to have a logical debate when your entire argument is based in emotion. Nonetheless, let me BEGIN for you...

It would be inhuman of me not to feel sorry for your losses, but it is sub-human of you to write such a letter in an attempt to exploit others' emotions in order to get them to sign away a basic human right.

The FACT of the matter is that governments throughout the world in just the last century have oppressed and killed many MILLIONS of people. You cry over the million people who have died because of random gun violence in the US since you were nine.

I'm sure you were alive in the late 1970s when 2 to 3 million innocent people were killed in Cambodia by a tyrannical government, the Khmer Rouge. Do you cry over them?

Maybe you were alive in the early 1970s when the Bengalis were oppressed by the Pakistani Armed Forces and as many as 3 million people were killed. Do you cry over them?

Maybe you're familiar with Rwanda. Do you cry over the half a million to a million unarmed Tutsis who were killed there in the mid-1990s?

Maybe your parents or grandparents were alive during the Holocaust. Do you cry over the 6 million Jews and many, many others who were killed by Nazis SHORTLY AFTER gun-control measures were enacted?

China: as many as 45 million were killed during the Great Leap Forward. Any tears for them?

These and countless many more lives are taken by oppressive governments throughout the world even as we speak. Do you cry for any of them? Would you tell them that they are better off not being able to check a tyrannical government with their own firearms, because it might save relatively few lives who fall victim to random gun violence each year?

To you proponents of the 2nd Amendment are just gun-nuts and hill-billy hunter types, when they should be viewed as protectors of the rest of the rights you hold dearly.

Do you think we don't care about those who die due to random gun violence? Lest you be mistaken, we do care. However, to be completely honest, I don't care if a man chooses to take his life with a gun -- that's his decision, and though a tragic one, it should have no place in a debate on gun-control.

You people miss the point. You whine about how someone like Jared Loughner had access to a "big fat, juicy clip full of death" when you should whine about why people in our society would commit such travesties; what motivates them; what pushes them toward such acts; and how we can prevent people from becoming such monsters.

But, of course, with you people, the primary blame will always be placed on an inanimate object made of metal and plastic.

FEBRUARY 17, 2011 11:35 AM

Sten Gun

Sten Gun. I'm really interested in the simple/minimalist designed sub-machine guns. What's so interesting is the low recoil of this design. It's been said that the Sten Gun and the Grease Gun compete for being the most simple designed sub-guns. This video is high frame rate (slow motion) and set to a not-altogether unpleasing musical score.


Black ops: how HBGary wrote backdoors for the government

HBGary is SCARY!

"According to Hoglund, the recipes came with a side dish, a specially crafted piece of malware meant to infect Al-Qaeda computers. Is the US government in the position of deploying the hacker's darkest tools—rootkits, computer viruses, trojan horses, and the like? Of course it is, and Hoglund was well-positioned to know just how common the practice had become. Indeed, he and his company helped to develop these electronic weapons."

"1) Man leaves laptop locked while quickly going to the bathroom. A
device can then be inserted and then removed without touching the laptop
itself except at the target port. (i.e. one can't touch the mouse,
keyboard, insert a CD, etc.)
2) Woman shuts down her laptop and goes home. One then can insert a
device into the target port and assume she will not see it when she
returns the next day. One can then remove the device at a later time
after she boots up the machine. "

Lee Van Cleef

Hickok45 does HK P30 0mm

It's a new camera and the resolution is substantially better. Have yet to see him do a Steyr M9-A1 and would also like to see him do a Baby Eagle in .40...



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the measure of mortality risk. For the computer program, see Micromort (software).

A micromort is a unit of risk measuring a one-in-a-million probability of death (from micro- and mortality). Micromorts can be used to measure riskiness of various day-to-day activities. A microprobability is a one-in-a million chance of some event; thus a micromort is the microprobability of death. The micromort concept was introduced by Ronald A. Howard who pioneered the modern practice of decision analysis.[1]

Armed America: Portraits of Gun Owners in Their Homes and Jackie Mason on Gun Control

This documentary is outstanding! Have to share with you guys! You'll love it!

Jackie Mason on Gun control. Outstanding!

SILENCERCO: 10mm Glock 20 with .45ACP & .50GI Osprey (Dry & Wet)

I love to see .50 GI round being used, as this round is made right here in Arkansas!

This is a great hi-def demo:

Raven Concealment Phantom Holster Test

I've got one of these holsters. I have to admit this is a pretty awesome demo.


Archie Bunker vindicated!

Many years after All in the Family retired from the airwaves the US government, in response to the 9-11 hijackings, did in fact put firearms in the hands of Pilots and Federal Sky Marshalls.

AK47 Open Carry MUST SEE!!!

Biggest PCP bust...evar!

The Detroit Free Press reports on the largest quantity of PCP ever discovered by the DEA.

"Equally important, he said, is that it is such a volatile substance that it has the potential to ignite, explode or emit dangerous fumes, even when left unattended, making it dangerous not only to the user, but also to anyone in the vicinity of the drug."

PCP represents an explosive hazard? I've heard a lot of things, but never that! Can any readers confirm this? Sounds a little off, well OK a lot off.

This is my favorite:

This video is infamous for getting pulled. I think it's a slam dunk case of PCP intox.

Can Abduwali Abdiqadir Muse even read?

What were Abduwali and his fellow pirates supposed to do? He was born in Somalia after all, a country notorious for failing to conform to Clintonian UN democracy wagons. 34 years in Fed Prison? Wow! And tried in New York of all places!

"Preska teared up and removed her glasses and then gave Muse the maximum permitted sentence, 33 years and nine months, citing the need for deterrence. "

~Deterrence? How is it going to deter other humans from doing what we'd all do in one of the world's poorest countries? Are the would-be Somali pirates going to login to the NY times and see their fellow pirate sentenced and think "it's better to starve than try and strike it rich and get caught and go to jail in Amerikkka!"?

Judge Preska is of course a swine for her arrogance and should be tried by a people's court.

I like what this dude had to say:

"These Somalis are not pirates. They are fisherman fathers and husbands who's livelihoods were destroyed by corporate overfishing and massive pollution from big oil. These "terrorists" have 2 choices: face starvation for themselves and their families because some foreigners came in and ravaged their food source, or steal miniscule amounts supplies from a passing freighter. The same thing happens in almost every oil-producing country. The US backs a dictator who will allow oil companies to pollute all they want because it's much cheaper that way. Then thousand of indigenous farmers are displaced due to soil pollution from all the oil drilling and refining. Even better, the citizens of the country don't see a dime of oil money. Only the corrupt, US backed dictator and the oil company get any money. They then have no crops, income, or social services which they have to forgo in order to pay for the highways and seaports we built to get their oil out so we could use it. They become desperate as a result of resource raping from US corporations. This is what creates a "terrorist"."

Controlling the Narrative

Of course NPR did a write up (biased and anti-gun as always) post Tucson/Loughner event with the explicit title of "controlling the narrative."

It was widely reported a few weeks back that DARPA has a new solicitation that aims to know how stories influence the human mind, and spur us to action. After all, what is radical resistance to the tyrannical globalist capitalist order if it's not rooted in some "narrative" of resistance, or perhaps even reduced to it's most simple form: an alternative to exploitation and human predation based off the credit score?



A Finnish group known as the Food Liberation Army released a video with a statue of the fast-food icon bound and gagged, and a list of demands from ...


Nice Glock 18 Demo

Unusually well done history channel demo on the Glock 18. Notable for it’s featuring a female shooter, full auto/select fire, and some nice slow motion work at the end. My advice is SKIP AHEAD TO about 3 MINUTES IN.

First Kiss Is More Powerful Than First Sexual Encounter

Seduction is always more singular and sublime than sex and it commands the higher price. ~Jean Baudrillard



Finding Love in Reparative Therapy

An interesting story of romance in a reparative program. Interesting because of the high cost of enrollment in the religious sponsored program (~$10,000), the techniques and methods used to "un-gay" (deprogram? reprogram?) the "subjects", and interesting b/c of the programs failure. It has a happy ending with two of the subjects finding a middle class home together, so it's worth a read.

The Future of 3-D printing...

Amazing shapes...

"Direct Metal Laser Sintering..."

DARPA "anticipating strategic surprise"

"Trend towards Democratization"; "democratization" is a "game changer" scenario, disruptive technology often w/ exponential trend.

Talks about lowering cost of gene assembly processes. So gene assembly is growing exponentially.

Talks about Open Innovation.

DARPA Network challenge. MIT team used Recursive Incentive Structure to compete in challenge.

Viral Diffusion in social networks, hostile social networks. Viral diffusion of information in hostile social networks.

Problem space structured vs. emerging.

Crowdsourcing innovation.

Future Adversaries.

Pre-Internet, Pre-Social Media acquisition process(es). Vs Computing models allow for dynamic equipping. "What if we supplied soldiers with modern handsets (Iphones/Ipads)?" Create an ONline social space where actors can contribute collectively. Computing enabled...directly connect developers...

Develop technologies that go against the trend of removing anonymity on the internet?

Networking problems: adversaries trying to deny access to network resources.


Blog power!

Former CIA Spy Tells the Truth!

He says some really interesting stuff re: US insolvency, how the US security apparatus wages intelligence gathering (and does it badly), and then he talks about doing away with the Fed Reserve! Awesome! Well worth a watch...

Blog style?

I think the current motif is just dreary. How can I razzle dazzle it up? Do any readers have any experience in this area? I've gone through the generic template designs for Google's blogger and nothing really caught my eye. I guess I'm going to have to dig in and really learn how to do it the old fashioned manual way?

If you have any thoughts feel free to hit me back: vqmaslow@gmail.com


Why 33 rounds makes sense in a defensive weapon

A Washpost article on firearms that makes sense!

Why 33 rounds makes sense in a defensive weapon

By Stephen Hunter
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Sleek, its lines rakishly tilted to boost the ergonomics that index grip placement to barrel, this automatic pistol has but one function: to eliminate human beings easily. That sinister intent is expressed most eloquently in the extended magazine that reaches far beneath the pistol grip, easily tripling the amount of ammunition available to the killer.

It's the Colt Super .38 automatic pistol, customized into a machine pistol by an underworld gunsmith so that Babyface Nelson could use it to kill an FBI agent outside Little Bohemia, Wis., in 1934. Maybe you saw the movie.

Even if you didn't, you can still see the point: There's nothing really new when it comes to guns. To the contrary, the extended magazine that Jared Loughner allegedly carried in his Glock 19 the day he is accused of having fatally shot six people outside Tucson and wounding 13 others, and that President Obama is likely to suggest banning in an upcoming speech, may be traced way back.

Read the rest~!


Replies to the WSJ Question of the day... part II

* Jim Gallagher wrote:

What could have been handled differently in his case, and how can gun laws be modified to prevent such tragedies? The short answer is nothing.
As much as we would like to prevent this and other mayhem, there is simply no law that can prevent this kind of tragedy. It seems lots of ink has been used to try and come up with a “solution” but the key should always be to first identify the “problem”. The shooter’s mental state, the gun he used, the magazine he used, the comments of conservatives prior to the shooting, even the use of a “targeting” ad for political rivals have all been called into the debate. Most of these issues had nothing to do with what happened and any attempt at finding a “law” that would prevent it would be extremely foolish.

Exactly how are you going to remove a person from society that might do something bad? How are you going to remove from society 300,000,000 firearms? How are you going to remove from society 15,000,000 high capacity magazines? How are you going to control the political speech of those that rant about “targeting” opponents? The more important question is would you prefer to life in a society that did any of these things?

As has been mentioned already, the only way this was going to be resolved with less bloodshed would have been if one of the bystanders had been armed. How would this have been any worse had Joe Zamudio been standing in the crowd rather than inside the store when the shooting started? My belief is fewer people would have been wounded or killed.

The fact will always remain that bad things happen. We hope they don’t but most of us don’t rely on hope alone. We try to be prepared for the event we hope never happens. Car accidents, fires, drowning, electrical explosions, poisonings, heat attacks, happen every day and no law will prevent them but having a fire extinguisher handy and knowing how to use it doesn’t seem out of place. Some of us know first aid and CPR and some of us know how and when to use a gun.

You can’t be prepared for everything all the time but you also can’t depend on someone else to keep you safe all the time either.

Rich Matarese replied to the WSJ Question of the day...

So many patriots are coming out and writing to defend our 2nd amendment freedoms in the wake of the aftermath of the Tucson incident. Here is one such mini-essay:

Mr. Schaler, it has never been (and can never be) a matter "of allowing the truly mentally ill, to buy, borrow, and/or rent a gun."

First - speaking practically - it is impossible to PREVENT "the truly mentally ill" from obtaining firearms, explosives, toxic chemicals, bladed instruments, or merely blunt objects with which to work mayhem or murder. The only thing that preventive measures can do is to disarm the potential victims of criminals and "the truly mentally ill."

Only law-abiding citizens abide by such laws. Criminals and "the truly mentally ill" do not. You got that yet?

Second, your presumption that this "very tough and complicated problem, can have a simple answer, if we ask the right people" is itself both politically hateful (for a number of reasons which I'm happy to explain) and frankly insane.

That's you, Mr. Schaler. You're insane. There is a tendency on the part of idiots and mentally ill people to assume that there's somebody out there - some "expert" - who is capable of coming up with solutions to each "very tough and complicated problem" upon which the idiot in question focuses, wrinkling his brow and peering stupidly into the inscrutable mystery before him.

Presuming that you're not an idiot, Mr. Schaler, and that you're not simply evil, the only alternative is that you're out of your freakin' mind. It's the most charitable inference to assume, ain't it?

The solution to the problem posed by the ability of "the truly mentally ill, to buy, borrow, and/or rent a gun" is the widespread practice of concealed weapons carriage among the law-abiding civilian population so that whenever such "truly mentally ill" persons act violently, lethal force may be employed quickly in retaliation, either to constrain cessation or to kill 'em.

Think of the firearm as a kind of power tool. Heck, that's what each of them is. People with the mental disease of hoplophobia (unreasoning fear of weapons0 invest supernatural powers in such tools. Those of us in the "gun culture" (familiar with and practiced in the use of firearms) look at them as not a helluva lot different from gadgets like electric drills, blowtorches, or chain saws. They have their peculiar characteristics and utilities, and they can do a lot of damage if used carelessly or maliciously, but they're only tools.

And human beings have been tool-users since before we invented agriculture. A firearm - particularly a handgun, whether a revolver or a semiautomatic - is an extremely human item, designed for human use by human beings.

Only an obviously insane person - that's you, Mr. Schaler - would conclude otherwise, and seek means by which the officers of civil government should institute "Citizen surveillance" of the law-abiding human beings all around you in order to ensure that they are reduced to helpless victim status so that your insane phobia can be assuaged.



Surveillance footage reveals new details about shootings

But of course, we the people are not allowed to see this so-called "footage."

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Security camera footage has revealed new details about the Safeway shooting that killed six people and wounded 13 others, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

"There's a portion of the tape where you can see very clearly that Jared, the suspect, comes out of one of the doors. He walks around a table, a collapsible, perhaps a six-foot table, and when he does so, with very significant purpose, he walks up to the congresswoman, points the gun at her face, and shoots. She is barely in the frame of that video. It was clear to me he was within 24 to 36 inches of her face with the weapon," said Pima County Chief Investigator Richard Kastigar.

Then, according to officials, Loughner turned to the left, faced the crowd, and continued shooting.

The video also showed an act of heroism in the chaos. When the suspect shot Ron Barber, a member of Giffords staff, Federal District Judge John Roll tried to help, but was shot in the back.

Sources say Loughner fired 32 rounds in all before he was tackled. Investigators said Loughner appeared to be wearing earplugs in the footage.

But now, as the feds continue to mull over the tapes, the Pima County Sheriff's Office has announced a drastic change in policy. The Sheriff's Office said it won't release any more info on the shooting, due to a "controversy between the Sheriff's Department and the county attorney's office."

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has been very outspoken about the shootings, starting with his first news conference after the event. He was on CNN on Tuesday discussing and defending his comments about Loughner being imbalanced and influenced by political talk. It's not clear whether that has anything to do with the apparent "controversy" between the county attorney's office and the Sheriff's Office.

9 On Your Side called the Sheriff's Office and made a visit to the county attorney's office, but neither side would grant an interview.


GregoryGORGEOUS's youtubeChannel

I just found this channel, and I can't seem to get enough.



The Difference between Egypt and the US

File this thought under "Red Teaming."
Egypt has a hard time over-throwing it's dictatorship b/c it's middle class is marginal and largely disarmed. If or When America's middle class becomes financially ruined through the machinations of the kelptocracy there will inevitably arise outliers who will attempt to oust the oligarchs and their corrupt order by using a sophisticated, protracted campaign of targeted assassination.


CAA SBR for your GLOCK.

At first I didn't think too much of the CAA SBR conversion for the Glock pistols. I have always thought that Everyday-No-Days-Off Glock conversion plastic hardware was a better choice, and also much more affordable. I still think the latter is the best way to go for the civilian looking to SBR their pistol(s), however after looking at this video of the CAA booth at the 2011 shot show I am starting to reconsider. The thing looks friggin space marine!

Intelligent Currency Validation Patent

Intelligent Currency Validation Patent


THE WORLD IS NOT READY | Subjective objectivity.

THE WORLD IS NOT READY | Subjective objectivity.

SHOT Show 2011 Exclusive - Remington Tactical Rifle

Check out the MONOLITHIC UPPER on Remington's AR platform.