
ATF Jan 2nd, 2015 Ruling contradicts FBI ballistics

" Such activity runs contrary to a major
purpose of the GCA in that it eliminates the ability of law
enforcement to trace firearms used in
crime, or stolen or lost firearms."

The idea that firearms require serialization and manufacturing marks in order for LE to trace runs contrary to FBI ballistics experts which have maintained for years that firearms can be traced via the striations and other markings examined from barrels. Of course serialization makes tracing easier, but is not strictly speaking necessary for firearms used in crimes unless the only crime was theft of a (never fired) firearm. 

Of course, I don't believe the FBI for one minute that such striations and barrel markings are conclusive but many juries have convicted on such a shaky and unscientific standard of evidence for many years. 

SEE: http://www.atf.gov/sites/default/files/assets/Firearms/FirearmsIndustry/atf-ruling-2015-1-manufacturing-and-gunsmithing.pdf

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