
The sad fact...

The sad fact of the matter is that the Federal government of the United States has been driven insane by countless wars, coups in the third world, and the espionage of the cold war system. The federal government is now set upon ruling over the planet as a steward deity. Unfortunately it doesn't know what is best for humans, and so in that sense we should all be terrified as this monstrous leviathan stomps around the surface. What is so interesting to me is that there are some humans who want to help this monster obtain absolute control over the bodies and minds of all the inhabitants of this planet. The most explicit, reactionary, and (what I argue are) misguided forms this assistance takes are the so-called gun control campaigns. Now, to be sure, firearms in the hands of civilians are no more guarantee against tyranny than say access to a free and open internet, but they are better than nothing. I am not a strict constitutionalist I should probably add. It's not clear to me that the document can bind those who did not write it and sign it when it was ratified. As for the political future of the United States? I think we may have a civil war by 2018 when the debt comes due. Other than that hard to say. I hope the future is free, as in humans are mostly free to develop their talents and satisfy their curiosity about the world without being droned. Time well tell.

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