
The Poverty of Democrat Party "solutions"

"The Democrat introduced a bill last session calling for a voluntary sign-up system. Someone suicidal could put themselves on a list banning them from buying a gun. The bill never got a hearing."

But not aspirin? No one has ever killed themselves with OTC meds...


Via: This link. 

and this comment is spot on: 

Andrew Gadtke  13 hours ago
Those who are adjudicated as mentally ill are prohibited from buying or owning firearms - they are one of the only groups who have their second ammendment rights taken away WITHOUT ever having committed a crime. That is because they are twice as likely to be violent as a "normal" person. But data also shows blacks are 8 times more likely than non-blacks of being violent, and men are 10 times more likely than women of being violent. Perhaps instead of trying to take away more rights from law abiding citizens based on illogical fear arguments, we should only take away rights of those who are criminals. If society is worried about the mentally ill being violent, maybe society should try to help them in terms of treatment, supported housing and employment, social acceptence, etc.
- Andrew D. Gadtke, paranoid schizophrenic and author of the book on schizophrenia and bipolar disorder called "Regular & Decaf"

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