
Obama Planning Gun-control Legislation

"If such proposals are enacted into law, one result will be that many individuals who are suffering from a wide variety of mental illnesses will not seek medical attention, for fear that their rights will be taken away from them. How many people will suffer in silence, for fear of suffering further social stigmatization on account of their illness? After all, Mr. Woods — and many who share his mentality — are allowed to posit in public that the mentally ill are not “law-abiding Americans,” a stunning, discriminatory comment.

For example, when a person who is suffering sub-clinical depression finds himself categorized with “felons, drug abusers ... and other dangerous people,” he knows the degree to which certain forms of discrimination are still encouraged when they advance the aims of the State. What if a statistical analysis found a degree of correlation between race and gun violence that was at least as significant as that which is purported to be between “mental illness” and such violence? Would any politician on Capitol Hill dare to assert skin color or ethnicity could be the sole and sufficient basis for terminating a citizen’s Second Amendment rights? As always, the agenda of the gun-control crowd is not one which will make Americans any more safe — but it will make them demonstrably less free."


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