
Criminalizing Mental Health in America

Brady Camp, Feinstein, Lautenberg, Bloomberg, McCarthy, The NYTIMES and Washington Post all want your rights to be stripped the minute you turn to behavioral health for help. They want you to be classified as a felon for seeking treatment. And not only will you lose your rights, you'll also lose access to public health resources. They want to use treatment seeking to deny treatment under proposed plans being crafted.

They (The Anti-Freedom establishment bankrolled by Billionaire Bloomberg) want to convert mental health in this country into another arm of the Department of Justice. They want to criminalize mental health at all levels. Anyone who has ever been treated, or sought treatment for mental health they want to label as a defacto felon.


The guy with the big funny hat...

Is my favorite...

If Jared had used a bomb...

What If Jared Loughner had taken the time to construct a perfectly viable IED and then blow himself up taking with him six bystanders and leaving Congresswoman Giffords badly wounded? Would we have a national discussion on IED control.



Nicholas D. Kristof of the NYTIMES continues to neglect the fact that firearms are delineated in the US constitution. His shrill calls for AWB are impossible to reconcile with the fact that so-called assault weapon(s) were not used in Tucson incident, not to mention that since the expiration of the ban violent crime has been declining.


Obama Planning Gun-control Legislation

"If such proposals are enacted into law, one result will be that many individuals who are suffering from a wide variety of mental illnesses will not seek medical attention, for fear that their rights will be taken away from them. How many people will suffer in silence, for fear of suffering further social stigmatization on account of their illness? After all, Mr. Woods — and many who share his mentality — are allowed to posit in public that the mentally ill are not “law-abiding Americans,” a stunning, discriminatory comment.

For example, when a person who is suffering sub-clinical depression finds himself categorized with “felons, drug abusers ... and other dangerous people,” he knows the degree to which certain forms of discrimination are still encouraged when they advance the aims of the State. What if a statistical analysis found a degree of correlation between race and gun violence that was at least as significant as that which is purported to be between “mental illness” and such violence? Would any politician on Capitol Hill dare to assert skin color or ethnicity could be the sole and sufficient basis for terminating a citizen’s Second Amendment rights? As always, the agenda of the gun-control crowd is not one which will make Americans any more safe — but it will make them demonstrably less free."



Why not Boycott Glock?

If Glocks like the one used in the Tucson incident are so despicable to Feinstein, Lautenberg, Bloomberg, and the gang why don't they boycott Glock and stop issuing the manufacturer's weapons to police agencies in their respective states/districts? Good question! The answer is of course obvious: B/C Glock has the best design, is durable and reliable, and also discounts to police and other Law Enforcement agencies.

Identifying locations of criminal elements

The threats posed by growing well-organized criminal elements, especially in metropolitan areas, pose risks to citizens and can, based on their objectives, also adversely impact infrastructure. To optimally counteract the threats, a reliable way to rapidly and effectively identify trends in tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) and predict the location of criminal safe houses is needed.

This simulation used real-world data from a major metropolitan city in the United States. Using Signature Analyst, SPADAC analysts were able to quickly analyze hundreds of data layers including physical terrain, cultural, economic, human and social networking elements, and identified key factors that led criminals to select thier safe houses. Using a few previously identified criminal safe houses as the basis for analysis, SPADAC analysts predicted and subsequently validated the existence of other safe houses in the area and monitored changes in TTP of the adversary.

By applying our analytical expertise based on proven methodologies and technologies, we determined where the criminals operated, shopped and socialized, along with other causal factors that enabled us to predict and subsequently validate where others may be hiding. "

My thoughts:

Why don't criminals just create front companies and use these "analytical products" against the establishment? How would we know who is using these sorts of products, and to what end? Adversary nations could be reversing engineering this stuff...