
George Djura Jakubec


"George Djura Jakubec, whose Escondido rental home allegedly contained the largest cache of certain explosives ever discovered in the U.S., became a federal prisoner on Friday."

Chemists said the explosive materials found in the home have few commercial uses and are among those most commonly used by terrorists worldwide to build bombs.

Among the materials found was hexamethylene triperoxide diamine, or HMTD, an unstable powder explosive that can detonate with even slight friction.

Authorities also found pentaerythritol tetranitrate, PETN, a powerful explosive used in some recent terrorist bombing cases, and erythritol tetranitrate, which is similar to PETN.
When he was arraigned in county court last month, prosecutor Perez said Jakubec had more of the explosive material than ever found on United States soil.

Jakubec is also charged with the armed robbery of a San Diego-area Bank of America on Nov. 13, 2009, a heist that netted the thief $43,012. He has admitted he tried and failed to rob the same bank two weeks later.

Federal prosecutors said Jakubec robbed $1,480 from a Bank of America on Scranton Road in San Diego on June 25 of this year. He allegedly then hit a Bank of America on Carmel Mountain Road on July 17, stealing $10,400.

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