
The Possibilist

"The Possibilist is a tribute to the both the dissolution of private experience and the anthropocentric point of view explored in Musil and recognized everywhere else as a symptom of the postmodern condition. It is also a tribute to Ulrich, “the possibilist” who believed that “God Himself probably preferred to speak of His world in the subjunctive of possibility.” We will dwell in a world of incoherent ideas “spreading outward without a center,” because we advocate no specific possibilities—but rather any and all of them. As a cultural institution, The Possibilist, like the impractical man, “will always be unreliable and unpredictable in his relations with others. He will engage in actions that mean more to himself than to others, but is at peace with himself about everything as long as he can make it all come together in a fine idea.”

Whose searching for wikileaks?

Huffpo gungrabbers have a cool infographic showing the country-wide break down of person's searching wikileaks related documents. It is interesting to note that the concentration of interests also happens to correspond to the geographich concentration of US intelligence community assets.



Some pics from Escondido "bomb factory"

Laser Tripwire circuit / photoresistor tutorial

This type of basic electronics has a lot of interesting applications. This video is rare in that it also contains a complete electronic wiring schematic, and a short discussion of the calculations in case one wants to scale.


AK Toy Soldiers..

It's good to see so many AK style weapons for a change...


George Djura Jakubec


"George Djura Jakubec, whose Escondido rental home allegedly contained the largest cache of certain explosives ever discovered in the U.S., became a federal prisoner on Friday."

Chemists said the explosive materials found in the home have few commercial uses and are among those most commonly used by terrorists worldwide to build bombs.

Among the materials found was hexamethylene triperoxide diamine, or HMTD, an unstable powder explosive that can detonate with even slight friction.

Authorities also found pentaerythritol tetranitrate, PETN, a powerful explosive used in some recent terrorist bombing cases, and erythritol tetranitrate, which is similar to PETN.
When he was arraigned in county court last month, prosecutor Perez said Jakubec had more of the explosive material than ever found on United States soil.

Jakubec is also charged with the armed robbery of a San Diego-area Bank of America on Nov. 13, 2009, a heist that netted the thief $43,012. He has admitted he tried and failed to rob the same bank two weeks later.

Federal prosecutors said Jakubec robbed $1,480 from a Bank of America on Scranton Road in San Diego on June 25 of this year. He allegedly then hit a Bank of America on Carmel Mountain Road on July 17, stealing $10,400.

a group calling itself the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire.

"The police force published on its Web site the names and photographs of all the suspects arrested over the weekend, including Alexandros Mitrousias, 21, and Georgios Karagiannidis, 30, believed to be members of a group calling itself the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire. They joined another six suspected members of the group already in custody.

The group has claimed responsibility for a wave of letter bombs early last month that caused one minor injury and led to international alarm after one package reached the Berlin office of the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. The group also has claimed several attacks on political and business targets over the past two years.

Raids on apartments over the weekend in Athens and other Greek cities turned up three Scorpion submachine guns, three Kalashnikov assault rifles and seven handguns, a police statement said. Other items seized included 110 pounds of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, which are bomb ingredients, as well as seven ounces of TNT, ammunition and four hand grenades."


MDMA lab bust

An MDMA lab was discovered near Georgia Tech. These sorts of finds are really rare. What was the synthesis route? And where did they get the precursor?


Ak-47 kinda Thursday...


Global Defense Technology & Systems, Inc. (GTEC)

"We design, develop and run mission-critical watchlisting and intelligence analysis systems and solutions to counter the threat of terrorism. Beginning with a set of requirements, we combine our intelligence subject matter expertise and our information technology capabilities to develop new operational approaches and methodologies and then apply them to solve complex counterterrorism challenges. Our analysis capabilities include: all-source Counterterrorism analysis, watchlisting, targeting, watchstanding and DOMEX utilizing community standard message handling, data visualization and collaboration tools. We use these capabilities in the design and operation of a key terrorist tracking center in the federal law enforcement community."




James Bond...

Wasn't James really just a hitman for Capitalism's International Assassins?


.50 cal Catastrophic Failure



A simplified cut-away of how the AR-15 Operates...



Rudi Dutschke

He advocated 'a long march through the institutions' of power to create radical change from within government and society by becoming an integral part of the machinery.[1] This was an idea he took up from Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt school of Cultural Marxism.[2] In the 1970s he followed through on this idea by joining the nascent Green movement.


Druganov SVD Rifle

El francotirador druganov rifle utiliza un cartucho de 7.62x54 que genera una velocidad inicial de 830 m / s.




"Six Sigma is a business management strategy originally developed by Motorola, USA in 1981.[1] As of 2010[update], it enjoys widespread application in many sectors of industry, although its application is not without controversy."


The DMAIC project methodology has five phases:

* Define the problem, the voice of the customer, and the project goals, specifically.
* Measure key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data.
* Analyze the data to investigate and verify cause-and-effect relationships. Determine what the relationships are, and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered. Seek out root cause of the defect under investigation.

* Improve or optimize the current process based upon data analysis using techniques such as design of experiments, poka yoke or mistake proofing, and standard work to create a new, future state process. Set up pilot runs to establish process capability.
* Control the future state process to ensure that any deviations from target are corrected before they result in defects. Control systems are implemented such as statistical process control, production boards, and visual workplaces and the process is continuously monitored."



Established in 1991 as Intelex, Inc., the company provided telecommunication system equipment repair and asset management services to large AT&T, Nortel, and IBM Rolm system users throughout North America. By the mid 1990's and with several thousand customers, thousands of transactions, and even more conversations, we made an observation. Telecom departments have a much bigger quality problem with vendor provided technical services than the provided products.
Project Management Design & Engineering
NOC Services Technical Support
Managed Services Implementation

drilling Relief Wells

Thinking about the BP oil spill and the difficulty of drilling a well. This machine looks "efficient enough" to drill small and shallow wells in very tough rock/soil.
