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Wayne LaPierre on "Meet the Press": We Need More Armed Security



U.S. v Miller 1939: The 2nd Amendment protects weapons useful for the common defense (against invasion, rebellion, tyranny).
D.C. v Heller 2008: Recognized the long historical tradition of private firearms ownership.
McDonald v Chicago 2010: The Second Amendment is incorporated, overriding state gun laws. If the federal government cannot do it, neither can the states. Bans on any NFA regulated automatic weapons, semi-autos like the AR15, will not survive a constitutional challenge.
Warren v D.C., 1981: Police have no obligation to protect you even if a dispatcher tells you an officer is on the way.


Download, print, fire: London museum acquires world's first 3D-printed gun

Download, print, fire: London museum acquires world's first 3D-printed gun

3-D printer makes working gun

  • London museum acquires world's first 3D-printed gun
  • The firearm is the invention of Texan law student Cody Wilson
  • The U.S. State department banned Wilson from distributing the gun's plans in May
(CNN) -- The Victoria and Albert Museum in London, UK has acquired two models of the world's first 3D-printed gun.
The 'Liberator' pistol is the invention of Cody Wilson, a Texan law student whose company Defense Distributed caused a furore in May when it made blueprints for its firearm freely available on the internet.
The distribution of the designs led to Wired magazine naming Wilson as one of the '15 Most dangerous People in the World'. In theory, once downloaded, the designs would allow anyone with access to a 3D printer to make their own gun.
A few days after Wilson conducted his first successful test of the pistol, the U.S. government forced Defense Distributed to take the plans down. Wilson complied, but not before the design had been downloaded over 100,000 times.
The V&A museum has two copies of the Liberator pistol on display as part of London Design Week. The two prototypes on display -- one extant and one disassembled to show its components -- are part of a new collection of 3D objects. According to the curators, the guns "represent a turning point in debates around digital manufacturing." The Science Museum in London also has a Liberator on display.
In an interview with CNN, Wilson said that he felt the museum's curators appreciated the Liberator pistol as a design object, but also appreciated the political ideas the weapon conveyed. "The curators of the museum's digital collection understand Liberator and our other pieces are first and foremost articles of political thought-practice," Wilson said.
I see digital manufacturing playing a bigger role in our lives
Cody Wilson, 3D-printed gun designer
Wilson says that in his view 3D printing is still in its infancy, and that it will become more significant in the future: "I see digital manufacturing playing a bigger role in our lives."
While he thought that the mainstream firearms industry is no longer as powerful as it once was, Wilson said he thought that the spread of weaponry will gradually increase, and that in future it will be easy for almost anyone to get a gun: "I think gun-making culture is on an understandable decline, but the barrier to entry to this culture will be lowered."
Considering it as a design object, Wilson believes that the Liberator's unusual shape has been part of its success: "Looking back, I would change nothing of the design. It was curious, boxy, alien. Its strangeness allowed it a better examination -- both as an article of design and as a concept."
The V&A\'s newly acquired \'Ear Chairs\'
The V&A's newly acquired 'Ear Chairs'
Alongside the 3D printed gun, the museum also acquired four other items which point to the future of design, including a homemade toaster constructed from odds and ends for just $6 and a futuristic armchair with elongated "ears" to create an artificial private space.
All the items were bought through the Design Fund to Benefit the V&A.
Martin Roth, the museum's director, said: "The generosity of supporters of the Design Fund ensures that the V&A is able to acquire for our permanent collections some of the best and most exciting design projects of our time.
"This year's acquisitions reflect an interesting combination of new technologies working with traditional crafts."

3-D Printed Gun Goes on Display at London Museum

3-D Printed Gun Goes on Display at London Museum

The parts of the Liberator.Defense Distributed, via European Pressphoto AgencyThe parts of the Liberator.
The first functional gun created entirely with a 3-D printer has become more than an object of curiosity and outrage: two prototypes of the weapon and one disassembled gun are now on display at theVictoria and Albert Museum in London.
Cody Wilson, a law student in Texas who described himself as an “anarchist,” first created and fired the gun in May. He called it the Liberator, and received a license to make and sell the weapon.
“A non-designer has managed to make the biggest impact in design this year,” said Kieran Long, the senior curator of contemporary architecture, design and digital at the Victoria and Albert Museum. “It’s a new level of disseminating the means of production,” Mr. Long said in a telephone interview Monday from London. “This is the next industrial revolution — we’ll all have a 3-D printer. If you can download a gun, it presents all kinds of profound challenges to nation-states.”
The guns will initially be displayed as part of the museum’s Design Festival, from Sept. 14-22. They will remain at the museum, and on display, as part of the permanent collection. The guns, as well as magazines and other parts, are among five contemporary project acquisitions, which also include a series of vessels made of polymers and a chest of drawers made of ash. Of the two pistols, Mr. Wilson fired one himself and one is new, Mr. Long said.
Mr. Wilson’s actions were denounced by gun control activists, as the designs for the guns and gun components were put online by an organization he co-founded, called Defense Distributed. The gun’s design was downloaded 100,000 times before government officials in this country demanded its removal.


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▶ Kool & The Gang - Celebration - YouTube: ""

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▶ BRDM - YouTube

▶ BRDM - YouTube: ""

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Alfredo M. Bonanno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alfredo M. Bonanno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Hurry up, comrade, shoot at once on the policeman, the judge, the wealthy, before a new police will hinder you. Hurry up and say no, before a new repression convinces you that to say no is nonsensical and crazy and that you should accept the hospitality of an asylum. Hurry up and attack the capital, before a new ideology makes it sacred for you. Hurry up and refuse work, before a new sophist tells you: Work makes you free. Hurry up and play. Hurry up and arm yourself.[7]"

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